TB Injection Install (Aces Killshot)

BUT, I guess I'll have to live with it. I may even try experimenting on it just to see if I can make it look a little more proportional. It looks like I can cut about an inch from the overall height.... :shrug:
Looks like it's sitting on the mounting bolts, that is making is look worse. You might want to drill the holes or remove the studs so it sits down before cutting the scoop. If you are looking for our opinions, some more photos from different angles might help but if not that's cool.
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Yeah, it's sitting on the studs which sits it an inch taller than it would if it was mounted. It looks like it would be impossible to remove the studs safely with how they molded them in. In any event, it covers probably 3/4 of the hood front to back. I did some preliminary measuring and it looks like I could cut 2 inches from the height before it'd cause interference issues again. I marked a line at 1 inch and might try cutting it down tomorrow.

This brings up the issue with drilling the hood to clear the mounting studs. The scoop will inevitably move back proportional to how much material I remove. I've not actually measured to tell you a concrete number, but it looked like it'll move the scoop back about an inch and the front "legs" should move back about the same. So removing an inch from the height should shorten the length by about 2 inches. That's about the same length as the witness marks from the previous scoop, so I think that just might be what the doctor ordered. :nice:
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Did you buy the last one because it is showing unavailable for me?

Amazon is back to saying there's 1 in stock again. :shrug:

Got home from work and went straight to cutting the scoop down. Here's a few pics of the progress.


I still have to do some cleanup on the cuts, remove material around the studs, shorten the studs, and there will be a couple mounting holes for the old scoop that'll need some kind of attention. :notnice: But if you can see it in your mind's eye, it looks like it'll be a better fit size-wise, at least as far as I'm concerned.
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Got the stuff done that NEEDED done today, so I got back at this. I got the fiberglass buildup and resin cut away from the studs and made a cardboard template to locate the mounting holes. All 4 actually intersected the hood framework, so I'll have a little more to do to get it mounted, but I was able to get enough clearance in the holes to get it more or less mounted in place. There's about an inch of clearance between the scoop and air cleaner which should allow for the hold down nut and a little more space for movement. It's gonna take some getting used to seeing this monster scoop vs the old one, but I think it's not all bad.

Note the bad spot on the hood - definitely showing it's age now! :cry: And you can see where the old scoop sat for the last ~20 years.

Went back out for a comparison shot between the one I grabbed from a Google search that I posted last week and one from tonight as close as I could make it. :)

download (1).jpeg

It looks more proportional to me....:shrug:
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Thanks! It'll be black, but I'm not sure if it'll get striped with the rest of the hood. In fact, I'm wondering if I should either NOT restripe it or go with the 78 style stripe instead. While I love the dual stripes, it doesn't look like the outer pin stripe will fit. And I don't think I like the stripes as much without that, so.... :shrug:
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Yours looks better than the image you're working from.

Might I suggest some billet mesh for the opening:

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Yours looks better than the image you're working from.

Might I suggest some billet mesh for the opening:

I agree, it needs something to both protect the air cleaner and engine bay and something to kinda help aesthetically. I'll order some mesh of some kind and see about getting that installed before getting it mounted. My initial thoughts were along the lines of horizontal bars or something, kinda like I did to my grill, but hadn't thought too deep about it or how to get it done. Mesh sounds like a better idea. :nice:

Looks good. Is it going to be black or do you have something else in mind?

Been thinking on a scheme for this this morning. I'm not quite sure how it'd turn out, and I'm not even sure when it'd actually happen with all of the other stuff I have going on. But I was thinking of a modified scheme using 78 style over the car stripes and 75-77 side stripes and the Cobra fender snake, but the stripes have the red in place of the body color showing through. That way they'd match the over the car stripe, like below:


Or just keep the same scheme but have the wider stripes narrowed a little in order to fit all 4 stripes over the scoop. That seems like the best looking option to me.

I've also thought of NOT striping the car again. But I think it would look naked without them.... lol
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