2015 Ford Mustang Convertible Enters Stage Left


Admin Dude
Nov 29, 1999
Auburn, AL
The more we hear and read about the 2015 Ford Mustang, the more we are simply excited to see the car up close & personal. Why? We’re pretty sure Ford’s drawn up all of the charts and pulled all the punches for this one. If you take a good look at the 2015 Mustang convertible, you’re going to have to agree that it’s a seriously polished piece. Why’s that? There’s just so much thought put into improved design–especially on the convertible. Where there used to be bare frames, there are snazzy headliners for the top frame and cover. There are also more supporting structure braces to help eliminate edginess. Cloth top material caps off the 2015 Mustang convertible, and what makes it the most special fact of all, is Ford offers just one convertible model in their entire portfolio.

That’s right–the next iteration of our favorite pony car will also hold some ragtop exclusivity with it. Now that’s clout you can take on a topless cruise with.

Source: Motor Trend

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