Adding gauges


Founding Member
Nov 4, 2002
Winston-Salem, NC
I was trying to hook up some new gauges for my dash this weekend... what circuit should I tie into? Are the wiring diagrams on e-bay very useful for this kind of information? Also how do you guys recommend that I do this without hacking up my wiring harness too much?

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I assume that you are adding aftermarket Oil pressure, Water temp, and Alt.?
If so, I just left the stock guages in their original places, and hooked up. And mounted my aftermarket guage cluster under the dash right over the ash tray. We don't smoke, and you can't see/use the ashtray anymore, but it looks good, and works well there. I just left the stock guages hooked up, ran my aftermarkets seperately. Now I always have a second opinion. :D