How weird is that??!!


Founding Member
Apr 9, 2002
Western NY
In Nov. 02, we bought our 73. We had looked at the car a few times, and passed it up due to the work it needed-but we finally gave in after driving by and seeing it every day on the way too & from work. We actually had seen the car years before, as the owner had worked at a local speed parts place. She finally decided it needed more work that she could afford and sold it.

Fastforward. My husband works for an auto parts place and has been hiring a bunch of new people-he had one girl that was transferring in from another store-he's spoke to her on the phone, but never met her. Yesterday we stopped in really quick for him to update his schedule. I was boredly reading through the names on his schedule and one jumped out at me. I asked him if her hired someone named Dawn XXXXX. He said yeah, that 's the transfer. I said-omg, you don't recognize that name-we bought Eleanor from a girl with that name-is it the same girl? He said no-but said he'd ask if she was related.

He just called me-he had called to confirm her schedule for next week and thought he'd ask. She is indeed Eleanor's former owner!! She said she cried for weeks over selling that car. She also said a few choice words about her ex that put togther motor #1 (the one with out of round cylinders-apparently he had it apart in thier kitchen for a year!!)! Just thought I'd share that unusual circumstance!
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