Rustproofing removal


New Member
May 19, 2004
Hey everyone,

I have started to remove some of the original '78 Ziebart rustproofing from the inside of my engine compartment to find a very nice looking paintjob. I asked around and the only thing that people really said to use was Lacker thinner, but it started to take some paint away. I have been told about some actual "rustproof remover" but don't know where to get it. I am still looking for some but does anyone have any ideas? I dont want to ruin the paint, but I think it would brighten everything up if I got that black tar stuff out of there!
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There are lots of petroleum based products that should help in the removal of this type of rustproofing. I'd suggest that you look at some of the adhesive removers found in auto parts stores. Gumout aerosol carb cleaner also comes to mind as something I have used in the past. The trick to using any of these is to work quickly, keeping the surface wet, as you wipe off the reside in a small area at a time.
Try steam cleaning. Not the powerwashers found at U-Clean-It drive throughs, but an actual steam cleaner. The heat and soap should clean it right up. Unfortunately prepare yourself for electrical gremlins and other water contamination.

For solvent remover I would try mineral spirits. Dries clean, shouldn't hurt the paint. I would use nothing harsher. Don't use Kerosine as it leaves a film.
stang2dan said:
Mineral Spirits works great! :D

Glad I could be of help.

I've found mineral spirits the best all around non-solvent* "solvent"*.

* ZEP and SafetyClean make some great solvents and cleaners but who wants to spend that kind of dough to clean a set of wheel bearings*?

* Never use kerosine to clean anything, it leaves a film that can be a real SOB to get removed. I'm not sure about #2 fuel oil but, who would use it except as a pre-cleaner for steam cleaning anyhow?