
New Member
Dec 21, 2002
I have been off the internet for a while mostly because we've been trying to save money, and get caught up with bills that were past due, and putting gas in the car to drive to St. Louis to my new job, it,s hard starting from scratch but Im doing it. But most importantly I want to convey my heartfelt THANK YOU to you guys for sending what you could by way of DRAKESDAD(WILL) and helping us out in our situation.It really has helped us greatly,for travel expenses to and from the hospital for my son in laws chemo treatments and blood transfusions and utility bills. I, thanks to you guys have found another job, and my son in law has been doing really well with his treatments, we dont have to move now and things are getting back to normal slowly but surely. I originally got on this topic to vent my frustration about my SIL cancer and him being so young and how appalled I was that my job let me go because I took too much time off to deal with it and help him and my daughter and baby grandson out, I didnt ask for charity, just wanted to talk to someone and remind all to go get regular check-ups and stuff, but to my surprise you guys decided to help our family out by sending what you could and it was well excepted,and we really needed the help. My appreciation goes deeper then words I cant even express,I never thought there were so many thought full and caring folks here and I sure know better now,may God bless each and every one of you for praying for Tony, and our family and helping us out like you guys did. Tony is actually been released back to work by his docs, he's doing 2-3 days a week, as tolerated when the chemo sickness subsides, and his baby is due on Aug 2nd, which is a big incentive for him to fight this thing also.As for me Im just busting my tail like I should everyday and learned a vey valuable lesson, to never take anything for granted, and that there are still good people left in this world, please whatever donations you guys have gathered up from here on out send to your local cancer research or charities to help others, we're gonna make alright from here on out, Im going to Email Drakesdad to get an updated list to thank each one of you and I'll send you guys back what you've sent us, lets look at this as a loan, I'll feel better knowing that. Again Thank you all and God Bless.:hail2:
  • Sponsors (?)

WOW, that's so wonderful to hear that things are looking as relatively positive as they can. :nice:
As always, our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours!

I think Will is the one who deserves the special thanks for coming up with the idea to pool a few bucks together (he pushed hard and even got you a Sticky). I was really impressed with how he handled things!
I was also really impressed with a few other folks (I wont name names - dont want to leave someone out. They know who they are) who really cared and did what they could.

Pop on in here and say hi when you can (when no family is around - otherwise you should be with them).

Best wishes!
Well thanks JT and John I am glad to hear "better" things happening to you.....I am just as thankful to the guys who helped out and if anyone has looked at my current sig...........those are the guys.........who make things happen and my hat goes off to them as well...........for their kindness.
Glad to hear things are a little better! You are the one to be commended here for taking him under your wing and helping. That is just amazing ... something that alot of people wouldn't do.

Keep in touch with us & let us know how he's doing. I'll continue to keep ya'll in my thoughts & prayers.