351 c

  1. J

    1970 mustang Qatar

    hey guys , New to the forum . ive got a 1970 mustang Fastback , 351c engine , c6 transmission , Maier racing suspension all around .. Daily driver ... heres a few pics
  2. C

    Can I Put A 8-71 Super Charger On My 351 Cleavland?

    I recently got a 1968 mustang and put a 351c in it with a C6 trans I also have a 9-inch rear end with 4.11 gears and I want to step up my game at the local strip with some more power and I want to know if I can put a weiand 8-71 supercharger on it. I've looked online and I haven't really found...
  3. K

    1971 351 Cleveland, Oil In The Radiator

    Need help where to go next. We have Oil in the Radiator no water in the Oil. It's not overheating and it was running strong until last night, when it sputtered on the highway. Got home and the oil light came on. Oil is low was fine 2 days ago. We have completed a head gasket replace, the heads...