
  1. K1tha1

    Electrical Connector name

  2. R

    1989 Factory AOD TV Cable Connector at Throttle Body

    Need some help to rectify a situation where I made a small mistake when revamping my TV Cable conenction att he throttle body. Naturally, I broke the factory connector as shown and need another. I know no aftermarket Parts Source has anything new, but, does anyone have a good lead on a used...
  3. rx79gez8gundam

    1996-1998 4.6L SOHC Engine Harness Connector C210 Pinout

    I spent several hours searching without luck for the 42-pin C210 engine harness pinout without luck. Since I ultimately had to trace each wire by hand I decided I would document my work for future reference and post it if anyone else needs it. I have a new edge harness I will also trace when I...
  4. no_fox_given

    1994 5.0 mystery wiring connector

    Hello all, first time poster after owning this car for about 1.5 years now, bought the car already heavily modded. I've finally found a wiring connector that I am unable to find in any wiring diagram, FSM, EVTM, forum post or google search... The connector is on the body harness, behind the...
  5. D

    Electrical What's This Connector For?

    Hey Guys, Please see attached pic of a connector near my ignition switch. What's this for? Don't see the pinout in shop manual..o_O I found the permanent plastic coating around the wires to be mangled exposing bluish coating around the enclosed wires, so I'm assuming I'll have to fix:nonono...