4x4 Stang takes to the woods...


I AM the random post master...bow down
May 3, 2003
Daytona Bch, FL
After an intense chase by the local rice burning police officers, the 4x4 Stang makes a successful get away and seeks refuge in the woods. Due to its 4x4 ride height, it was able to fly back up in the woods where the rice burning cops got stuck and is now resting there until another day... Here are a few exclusive pictures from one of our local photographers who stumbled across the car on his daily walk through the woods.

OK.. so maybe that was pretty gay but everyone and their brother has told me to lower my stang so I decided to take it out into the woods for a photoshoot I bet your cars cant do this THE CAR WAS NOT HURT IN ANY WAY

I made sure the ground was dry before I went back there... It floods easily but its been 80+ degrees here for the whole week with no rain. The path back there isnt that bad... But some of the people on here would get their car stuck.

Now the ditch is another story I dont want to get into
swingline said:
Sort of OT but I think you have one of the best looking cars on this board. Do you have any interior shots by chance?
Thanks. Here is a shot from when I first got the car. Nothing has changed except for the floor mats. I know I'm gonna get flammed for posting this picture... always do
Striped5.0 said:
* Peakes over a fallen Log* CRIKIE, its an elusive 4X4 Mustang, watch me sneak up on it and stick my thumb up his bung hole ( south park refrence)
You might need a partner to get the other pipe at the same time or else it might turn around and bite you.
pleasehelp said:
Why do you get flamed for it?

Because its the "porno red" I have no problem with the interior, and as a matter of fact i like it in the fox styles, not a big dan of it in the SN-95's but i can take it. By the way, those cobra rims are awsome.

May the 4x4 mustang live forever, or until i get some springs

94GTLaserRC said:
And crank windows too??
And you have a car thats afraid to go to the track Just remember me whenever your power windows break and mine are still working fine oh yea, btw its only 1 of 12 ya loser! Its better than your car... probably faster too

huskerpower02, yes long live the 4x4 stang Porno red interrior is awosem... for the name and look
1105 said:
And you have a car thats afraid to go to the track Just remember me whenever your power windows break and mine are still working fine oh yea, btw its only 1 of 12 ya loser! Its better than your car... probably faster too

Looks like someone needs some:

View attachment 526585

My Power windows did break...and I DID fix them.

"your car is afraid...."
"my windows work..."
"it's better than your car..."
"...faster too!"
"it's only 1 out of 12"

There is a really good reason why it's only one out of 12

You just had to post a Prozac picture... I hear that so much because of my name

I need some support from my fellow GTS owners on this one to put RC in his place... come on guys