Adventure going to the big show, ford show in Bham, AL

65 A Code

Apr 6, 2004
Well I went up to bham this weekend to see my inlaws and go to the Big Show Ford car show in Bham. I was riding with a friend of mine in his 66 convertible seen here:

We get about half way there and hear a loud bang and the car dies. We then notice a large puddle of fluid pouring out of the bottom of the car. So we push the car off of Hwy 31 and pop the hood and find this.

His radiator blew up. Car was not over heating. Only thing I can figure is a defective radiator( raidiator only 2 or 3 yrs old) or a blocked passage in the block that caused to much pressure. Any thoughts?
My guess is a weak seal at the top. Take a too a good radiator shop and have them look at it. They may be able to fix it for not much--and clean it out, too, while they have it. (Acid bath and paint, too.) My car runs soo much cooler since all of the grit and garbage is out of the radiator.
