Anybody going to Starbucks tonight?

Thanks Misha! Happy Birthday to you too!!!!

Thanks Misha and Happy birthday to you too and Patrick, and Cobra Dave November must be a good month
wifesweetstang said:
FUNNY you say that, I read this and heard football in the front room so i caught him in action!!

Your welcome with helping you on your posting pictures and avatar!!

so your misha, and your married to eric... now is that waterpog eric... or a diff one? just tryin to put real names to face... err screen names
billet bill said:
Ya I think I got it

So Bill has 2 login's and neither is used by him nor is he aware he's posting? hmmmm, Jeffrey, I like Billit Bill vs Bill-it, although he wishes it was Ford GT-Bill after his trip to visit one yesterday

BTW, anybody intrested in his '89 408 cid car, its for sale
saleenster said:
So Bill has 2 login's and neither is used by him nor is he aware he's posting?

I have no idea what is up with the "billit bill" that is not me. I signed him up as "bill-it" and got him a hotmail account. I found some better pics for an avatar, but havent changed it for him yet. Just waiting for him to come pick it up now
WaterPog said:
Different Eric.

Funny!!! yeah powerhungrygt is my Eric. He keeps a low key on here.... ANYWAYS... Introduce your self next time at starbucks, now you know what he looks like, IM usually somewhere close to be found... look for the girl thats actually knows alittle and talks about stangs and thats me. NOW ERIC on the other hand .. .. JUST KIDDING
saleenster said:
HID's in the front row was wicked Saturday night. Ed-it, Warren G and Dave it was like daylight when you all hit the 'Lights' mod, HID's!
Cory you got to get them , it was I think my best non go fast mod , I just need to stop looking at how kool it makes the signs and stripes on the roads look and watch were i'm going