Automatec speed cameras SUCK! (another something sucks thread)


Active Member
Jun 10, 2005

My bro got a citation for speeding from a dam computized camera with an eye and it said login to the site above and pay. I knew the day was coming when big brother got bigger and computers AND those "innocent" traffic control cameras would begin the @#$%ing communist borg! RRRRRRRRR! Out comes the photo blocker spray can.:mad:
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They installed one of those around here, and after it logged tens of thousands of dollars in tickets, people who had gotten the tickets filed a class action lawsuit against the city. All the tickets were voided and the camera was taken out, it's now illegal for them to use one here.

I think they use them so the cops in the area can be lazy. I say if the law isn't there in person to see me do it, it didn't happen :D
They took the redlight cameras outta Baltimore City because too many motorists felt they were unfair for several reasons including short intersections where there were so many drivers and fast lights that people were getting stuck in the middle of the intersection easily, especially if they werent familiar with the area.
out here you rarely see police driving or posted up! you mostly just have to watch out for the Cameras! I did a two hour drive to gatwick airport doing 80 - 110mph the whole way there and I haven't gotten anything in the mail yet. the other ****ty part is I will be paying in pounds and pounds are very expensive!!
Yeah when the red light cameras came to San Diego a few years ago they turned them off because the company that set them up made the yellow lights shorter than normal. They did it because they got a small percentage of the money the city made on the tickets, SUCH BS. So they got sued adn turned them off. Somehow now they are back on. I punch it through all photo lights, or stop on yellow because i dont trust those things at all.
They have them here and they seem pretty lenient.

I mean, they seem to only prosecute, the photo-taking machine or the photo reviewing guys, only if the offense was rampant, because late at night (midnight or later) I have run a red by 1-2 seconds (which is actually a LONG time) and never recieved any tickets, but I know people who have, and at the same lights that I ran.

Also, one time my friend got a ticket, and when he checked the date, it was when the car was in the shop, so the shop had some splainin to do!
GreenMustangGt said:
if they had those here, i would be all about the photoblocker spray or the flip up plate...thankfully they dont

That would never fly in Mass. Ted Kennedy's nephew needs a job, and any kind of technology that would replace a cushy civil service job would probably be unacceptable.

Besides, if 1/2 the force on a given day wasn't hiding behind trees or dumpsters, they might have to do things like stay in good shape or help out with community events.


Disclaimer - State troopers are a whole different story.
SWYZ721 said:
Also, one time my friend got a ticket, and when he checked the date, it was when the car was in the shop, so the shop had some splainin to do!

:lol: Oh, snap! I would be pissed! :notnice:

BTW - they are adding those cameras in Springfield, MO this month. :nonono: Does that spray chit actually work? :shrug:
1. We have red light cameras, but the only take the pic if you cross the white stop line at over 10mph after the light has turned red, nonetheless my dad got one, haha.

2. Speaking of shops messing things up, my friend has a 97 cobra, and he took it to this shop that is notorious for ****ing up anything you take in there. So he was getting a clutch put in, and after he did, the shop was doing burnouts with his car and broke 2nd gear. They claimed it wasnt from them, but we know it was working before hand, and the burnout marks were right in front of the shop!!!! we compared the tires to the marks, and sure enough it was his car.