Awesome online street racing game!!

i havent been in the Game but we were waiting for them to accept the challange, its on grey50... then we should be good to go... they might not have the 10G's in the Bank to play.. but once they accept you'll have 1-3 tourny challanges in your new challange Box... so make sure you win... the 1st team Vs team means the most..

so Og's if you dont have the cash in your team account you can deposite money in by clikcking teams, then deposit, and how ever much you want to drop in... you guys need at least 10G's for our challange..
Hahah, good thing u turned down that Titles race... I clicked Titles by accident, and then I broke out, and my reaction time was 0.201 cuz i was trying to figure out if i could stop the race. close call

If, lets say.. a Stangnet OG were to lose a title race against a Stangnet Underground. Would the Underground now own a car thats still a member of the OG's? Oh the possibilities...