Delays, delays, delays...!!!

One last hoorah so to speak, we are going camping this weekend and I plan to drink heavily (which means more than 2 beers in my case). I was told that a good approach is to set a date and to work towards that date. Also, the "remedy" that I will be using to assist me says I have to start at night before I go to bed, I figure, what better time to quit than Monday. I will be very occupied with work and my mind will not be on smoking. If I try to quit this weekend, I will get bored. An idle mind is the devil's tool when it comes to smoking. I smoke when there is nothing better to do.

That, and I am a weak willed little man who needs the comfort of knowing I can smoke right now. The whole reason for this little camping trip is to release the pressure from the last 4 months of work and the news about my Mom. I just worked for 4 months only getting 3 hours of sleep every night. I am going to get very drunk and smoke a lot of cigarettes, then I will feel much better.

I am soo pathetic some times.
I drank a glass of wine with dinner a few weeks back. I turned so red I could've lit up the San Gabriel Valley that night! As far a smoking, I found sunflower seeds to be a good replacement therapy item. In fact, my job is so stressing now days, that I just went back to sunflower seeds again...I just tell myself it's part of the fiber therapy!
As the initiator of this thread, I'm going to invoke my perogative to hijack it back to the topic for a moment..............

I greatly appreciate all the support and prayers, and will provide updates as to how I am fairing, to that end here is a synopses as to what has been / is going on......
In Nov '99 I had been diagnosed with a very aggressive form (large B-cell) of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma that was already at stage IV by the time we knew what was going on. I was so ill, the doctors told my family to start making funeral arrangements.........after an arduous battle which included two different chemo regimens, radiation, mono-clonal antibody therapy (Rituxan) and plans for a stem cell transplant (which btw, never occurred-the donor cells are still on ice and available should I need them), I attained remission in March '01.

My current diagnosis (after three years of remission )is a much less aggressive form of small cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. My treatment now will consist of a once a week I.V. infusion of monoclonal antibodies (Rituxan), and starting with the third treatment of them we will add a chemo cocktail to the mix. Chemotherapy will be a one day I.V. infusion every two or three weeks x6 rounds.
The good news is there are NO side effects from the Rituxan, and the chemo we will be using only makes me sick for 2 - 3 days, so I shouldn't lose too much time from work.

Again, my heart felt thanks to my Stangnet family.......

If anyone is interested, I do send out periodic e-mail updates called "Fritz-O-Grams", PM with your e-mail address and I will add you to the mailing list.

GOD Bless you all.

I now return you to our regularly scheduled hijacking already in progress!
65stanger said:
I now return you to our regularly scheduled hijacking already in progress!

I dunno, maybe I should hijack it over to the hot new redneck soap. "As the Horse-DooDoo Turns"!
[frightful cheesey organ music]

EDIT: Wait, I'll hold off on that for a few.....I'm still working on the lyrics for the theme song. Melody is no problem; just trying to work out making the words fit to the ripped-off score from Beverly Hillbillies!

Lord, please no! I don't know what annoys me more, Soaps or rednecks!

*edit* In other news, a very good friend of mine was voted "life most likely to be depicted in a soap opera" in high school! haha only time his school had ever done that superlative before or since!
65stanger said:
You're doubly screwed then, 'cause this is a REDNECK SOAP!

Probably the ONLY time you'll EVER see those two words together too!!!

God I hope so!

It's kind of Ironic that I feel that way being that I live 30 minutes from Alabama and I'm in Georgia! But you know, I actually like Alabama keeps Mississippi reeaaaaalllly far away.
The most important point you must remember is that this is a Southwestern Desert Redneck soap opera. We don't snivel about the small stuff.... Things like this only occur when there is a good possibility that the outcome may include bodies being "lost" in long-abandoned mineshafts.

Like any other Redneck soap; there will be the obligatory line, "They're finally about to learn just exactly how much of an a$$#ole I can be!" That scene has already been shot (and it was my line). However, no properly penned western Redneck soap will be presented without at least one scene involving scorpions and/or coyotes "having lunch". This may well be no different; time will tell.

Gotta go now, time to take a shower and go take part in the next intrigue filled scene.

Still Dreamin'