Ebay fraud?


5 Year Member
Dec 14, 2009
Biloxi, MS
My brother in law has a 94 Cobra. He's been looking around for stock replacement buckets for it, the driver's seat in particular. He saw this auction on ebay, bid and won the auction.


It's under Ebay's Completed Listings so you may have to log in to Ebay to see it.

Take a look at the pics.

When the seats arrived, guess what... they're two passenger seats. What is anyone going to do with two passenger seats, who would order them and why would anyone try to sell them?

What do you guys think?
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I see those guys on Ebay all of the time and have purchased a few small items from them with no problem. Have you tried to contact them, I would hope they did not intend to sell a pair of passenger seats. You can see in the photos they are both passenger seats(the controls are both on the same side), but unless you were expecting that, I can can see where you might not notice that and you would assume a drivers seat and a passenger seat. They should have clearly stated that both were passenger seats if that is what they intended to sell. Post up what ever kind of resolution you get from these guys. Hopefully they are not d-bags about it. Good luck!
I dont think that would be considered fraud. no where on the listing does it say one driver and one passenger seat. it just says a pair of seats. thats why they put pictures on there so you can see what you are buying. You didnt notice the controls on the same side? It says check all pictures carefully, these are the seats you are buying. They didnt do anything wrong.:shrug:
My brother in law has a 94 Cobra. He's been looking around for stock replacement buckets for it, the driver's seat in particular. He saw this auction on ebay, bid and won the auction.


It's under Ebay's Completed Listings so you may have to log in to Ebay to see it.

Take a look at the pics.

When the seats arrived, guess what... they're two passenger seats. What is anyone going to do with two passenger seats, who would order them and why would anyone try to sell them?

What do you guys think?

I'd call MPS auto salvage and bitch. Forget the pictures. If you didn't know what to look for, you wouldn't see the details that make them both passenger seats. Furthermore, the add specifically reads "Set of Used Pair." When you use the words "set" or "pair" that means they are counterparts that go together. That's definately not what your brother in law paid for.

I'd call MPS auto salvage and bitch. Forget the pictures. If you didn't know what to look for, you wouldn't see the details that make them both passenger seats. Furthermore, the add specifically reads "Set of Used Pair." When you use the words "set" or "pair" that means they are counterparts that go together. That's definately not what your brother in law paid for.


Agree completely, also note the "REMOVED FROM A 1996"....

Talked to my brother in law last night, he's going to call them in the morning, he won't bitch... at first anyway. Let's see if this company actually works with customers in situations like this. I've had similar problems with ebay/online companies, and many simply aren't set up to deal with returns or errors in shipping. They do one thing, ship stuff out and take money. Any thing else usually falls through the cracks.

Thanks everyone for your input, and I'll repost tomorrow and let y'all know what happened.
I've done business with MPS many times before. They have been around long before ebay. They have been very stand up with me in the past. The fact that this happened surprises me. I wouln't expect it from the guys at MPS. To be honest, it's probably just a shipping error, or a listing error.

MPS is fairly reputable. I bought a whole t5 conversion kit from them few years back and didn't have any problems. Also just bought a 03 cobra rack from them off ebay on friday but haven't gotten it yet.

Not sure of your recourse here. Nowhere does it say they are a drivers/passenger set. It does stress to look over the pictures carefully. And if you have questions to ask. I hate to say it but IF they were trying to pull a fast one then you're screwed. If however they screw up they might honor it but freight shipping is a pain in the ass and expensive. hopefully it all works out for you guys.
Updates? Even though MPS wants insanely high prices for their parts (what did you end up paying for that 5 speed kit Ryan?) they should still work with you on getting the seats replaced. It's not like they don't have a ton of cloth tan seats laying around! Hell, I can't even give my leather tan seats away!
Updates? Even though MPS wants insanely high prices for their parts (what did you end up paying for that 5 speed kit Ryan?) they should still work with you on getting the seats replaced. It's not like they don't have a ton of cloth tan seats laying around! Hell, I can't even give my leather tan seats away!

I will take your tan leather ones since you wanna give them away!!!:D
I will take your tan leather ones since you wanna give them away!!!:D

If you want to pay to have them shipped all the way out to Cali then they're all yours. lol.. I'm sure it would be alot cheaper/easier to find a set close by you though. Seats can be shipped in boxes if you take them apart (backs from the bottoms). I've done it before.
Wow! that's alot of green backs! I guess if you got a brand new T5 or didn't want to chase the parts down it's an alright deal.

Last yet I converted my boss's 01 GT to 5 speed. MPS sold him a complete setup including a brand new 3650 transmission for 1100 plus about 100 bucks shipping! Not bad at all, I guess they were feeling the crunch of the recession.