I can't believe im done with high school, and goin to college!!! Im graduating tonite, having a huge "Project Graduation" party til 6 am, then leaving for the shore for a week at 2. Im so pumped that i needed to tell you guys!! Heres a sneak peak at the week to come:rlaugh: Biggest liquer run in shore week history...06 baby!!

my buddy alex with our (35) 30's :D theres also a buncha had **** in there somewhere but its not really as impressive:nice:

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donkey_punch said:
natty ice makes you piss like a garden hose. and you could of hit more than one store.

have fun getting sh it faced, do i beer funnel for me.

ah to be a teenager again. ( i say that like i'm old or something, heading for another tequila shot)
haha yea it makes you piss like no tomorrow but thats ok...we dont get served at many places, so this made everything easier...they even printed out a reciept for us with the total for each kid, and the total all together ahead of time to make everything go smoothly....when were just gettin 2 or 3 for a regular night, we get better stuff normally, and dont have to worry about carting so much around:rolleyes:
Just graduated adn got back from the beach last week man. Congrats. Have fun getting trashed, I sure did except for one night. Then the last night I dont even recall what happened so idk. Have fun dude, reality kicked in when I got back that there was no more high school.