Hello There!

Dave LaFave

New Member
Jan 24, 2016
I had been having problems with window bounce back after a dead battery. I scrounged around on the forums and found a solution posted by MIKE97GT in 2006. The key in his post was to remove the battery cable WHILE THE WINDOW WAS MOVING. Who the hell would have guessed that?
I just want to say a heartfelt thanks to Mike and all you other folks that share your immense knowledge of these fine cars.
Anyhow, I am 44, live in the Seattle area. I own a black 2006 GT. I have wanted a Mustang since probably the 6th grade and finally got to a point in my life where I can own one as a "drive when it is nice outside" car. Yeah, I know, here in the Pacific Northwest, that consists of about 11 days a year. =) This explains my dead battery leading to window bounce back though doesn't it?

Peace to you all!


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