How did your state fair in driving?

we were ranked 30. After being in Fl. for 3 days and having 7 close calls the conclusion is, OLD PPL SUCK AT DRIVING!! We need to start one of those E-petitions on how old ppl after 60 have to take an annual test and as sson as they fail, wham no more license!

I have always said that when I become president I will force everyone to retake the driver exam every 10 years... and once your 60, you take it every year.
I could have told you from Jersey to RI was going to be the worst. I have spent the last 5 years driving through this area (Tri-state area) and can say you guys out west must have it easy. We have twice the number of people in 1/3 of the area, and everyone and their dog has a car. Couple this with crappy roads, near impossible to follow highway systems (for some people out there) and the typical attitude you find out here... it makes it soo easy to realize why we rank so poorly.

Another thing I see is the difference in drivers from other states. When they come to your state they drive a lot different when they are in their state...

*Example* I have spent a TON of time in Jersey. Down there I dont mind driving, traffic goes fast, people dont seem to be as timid, and unlike New York (the city) people dont cut you off then flip you off. Other than running red lights (apparently if the light goes yellow you have 45 seconds to make it through) things down there seem to flow alright. YET when those Jersey people come to CT, they all become terrible drivers. The hit the brakes for no apparent reason, they wander in their lanes, they drive slow, then fast, then slow again when there is noone in front of them, and merging is something they just cannot do on our highways.

Alright end of my little talk...
jersey isnt last because its not the jersey drivers that are bad its the damn new yorkers that come over the bridge and decide to try to naviagate a jug handle

Try watching a CT person navigate one. We have ONE near me, and it really isnt a jug handle just a right hand on ramp that then crosses the road. I see on average 5 people a month try and make a left turn there from the middle of the left lane of traffic. Even though you can just drive down about 1/3 mile to the next light and make a U-turn from the same left lane!
I call b.s i am from Oregon and there is no freakin way we have the best drivers i get pulled out in front of by stupid old people all the.... wait no maybe we are the best it's just all these effn tourist from those other poor driving states go home you jerks, and take your slow ass motorhomes with you
The problem with that whole survey is that they say simply based on the questions answered correctly which state's drivers are best and worse. It should be based on the number of bonehead maneuvers the same people pull in a single day. I know people who could score 100 on that test and I wouldn't ride with them if my life depended on it. If actual driving were measured instead of memorized facts people can regurgitate, I'm sure my state (GA) would rank somewhere in the absolute worst drivers category.
25thmustang couldn't be more right!

Twice the people, far less land mass, and probably the worst school systems to boot. RI is the biggest dump around, but NY has topped everywhere in country i have been for ****TY drivers.
Thats whats funny, a lot of people from these southern states that say they have the worse, havent been to this area. NYC in rush hour traffic (cross bronx has traffic 24/7) or really any of the highways in or around the big city are an absolute nightmare. Try cramming 7 or 8 toll booths into 2 lanes of traffic coming and going from a bridge, with some EZpass lanes, some cash, and in areas, some exact change. Not to mention the EZpass express lane people have been known to stop and BACK OUT OF. Yes 70 mph of traffic (when it isnt rush hour or close to rush hour) and there is a car backing down one lane.

Its basically from MA, to central NJ and east is terrible. If your a good driver, its not bad, if your an ok driver, it sucks, if your a bad driver, get off the road.