I proposed during WFC 8


New Member
Feb 13, 2003
Manhattan, Kansas
I had this set up with the track director in january so this wasn't a spur of the moment thing. They announced that I won a give-away and I just took amanda with me to the tower. We were standing around in the middle of all the Pro 5.0 guys and some Ford people. They called us out to the starting lined and he introduced me and the handed me the mic. I told everybody about the crappy week I had and that I promised her I would make something big happen.
So I got doen and proposed. Before she could answer Pro 5.0 drivers Britt Floyd and Chuck Samuels were yelling "For god sakes say yes"

I did this wearing a big stupid hat and everybody recognized me everywhere I went.

I also went 4 rounds during the bracket race that day and won a little money.
If you hadn't lost your phone I'd've called you and found out when it was going down. I wanted to see it, but I think I was in the vendor area when you did it. Congrats, though, and Amanda as well when you see this. It was great meeting both of you.

And of course you'll keep us posted on a date?

Hey Red: Yeah she was the one in the back of the car waving. I figured we scared you off.

All that were there: It was a great party saturday night. I stood in the motel parking lot and talked to about 25 people until the pizza got there. Then I ate 1 piece and fell asleep in the 2nd piece. No alcohol was involved. WHEEWW!! PARTY!!