MCA "No Borders" Mustang Show - Oakville

MCA "No Borders" Mustang Show - for the 1st time ever, there will be a Mustang Club of America "National" Show outside the borders of the USA, and I'm happy to say it will be hosted in Oakville, Ontario by the Golden Horseshoe Mustang Assoc ( August 1,2,3 at the Ford of Canada location at the QEW & Ford Drive in Oakville, Ontario !

More info here !

This will be a fully judged show, with a busy schedule of events, including a Friday Night Social Mixer, the Grand Banquet Saturday Night with a live band, and secret Keynote speaker, and other fun stuff to do.
Put aside this weekend NOW ! and plan to be there for the best "ALL Mustang Show" Canada has ever seen ! Oakville is located on Lake Ontario just west of Toronto, and is a 2 hour drive from the Buffalo, NY border.

Registration Forms are downloadable at our Website shown above !

See you in August !
