Need Help Removing Old Driveshaft!!!!


Active Member
Jun 7, 2003
Akron, OH
Im in the prosess of trying to help my friend get his old driveshaft off on his 88 GT. The bolts arent rusted there just covered in dirt and grease n stuff. These things arent budging, what the heck can i do?? This may sound stupid, but which way do they turn? I figured the old rule of thumb left losey, righty tighty but i just want to make sure, i dont want to tighten it more than it already is! PLEASE HELP!!
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YEP. Right to tighten, left to loosen. More than likely the problem is because of anti-sieze and time. Two options to choose from. First option, fire up the air compressor, pull out the impact and 12 point socket and get it off of there. Second option, put the car in gear, have a bud stand on the brake pedal, put your wrench on the bolt, grab your deadblow hammer and give it a good smack. Second option takes longer but the end result is the same. Good luck, it's not as hard as you think, it's just being stubborn.
You're much better off using something to try and loosen the grip of the threads than the brute force methods - they can and often do lead to breaking something. Penetrant helps, but I find if you take a Mapp gas or small propane bottle torch and heat them a bit, the bolts will usually come loose.
I always put the trans in first gear or put the Ebrake on and use my foot on the wrench. It gives new meaning to the phrase "foot pounds of torque". :D
jrichker said:
I always put the trans in first gear or put the Ebrake on and use my foot on the wrench. It gives new meaning to the phrase "foot pounds of torque". :D

hehhhe I did that last weekend. I aligned the wrench under the car and had my dad scoot his legs upto the wrench and push with his foot. Sometimes you need a small piece of pipe on the wrench to get the leverage.
I agree with Yount.... spray them with liquid wrench several times a day for a few days. And/or get the small propane torch out... heat it up nice and hot... and use some kind of extension on your wrench, or a breaker bar...

DO NOT just try to muscle it off, you could just twist the head right off then you are screwed (and have a hard time getting unscrewed)
Michael Yount said:
if you take a Mapp gas or small propane bottle torch and heat them a bit, the bolts will usually come loose.

Exactly. Use heat. The bolts have thread lock on them from the factory - it needs to be heated to release. Don't forget to put thread lock on when you put the bolts back in, too.
I just used a ton of force on it. I got the longest wrench I could for leverage, and pulled on it like all hell. I almost busted a nut doing it too, lol, it sucked.

I agree with Mike on this one though. It is definitely a better idea to not use a ton of force on the bolts if you don't have to. You would not want them to snap off in there. I would see if I could get my hands on a torch to try to get them to budge.
Lots of good ideas here. I think your best best bet is to combine methods. First, clean the bolts (as much of the exposed area as you can), try to soak it with WD40 or liquid wrench (or something similar) for a day or two, heat it up with a lesser heat type torch (suggested already) and then use a long wrench for leverage. You will probably have good results even without the heat if you can get something to penetrate the bolt threads. Good luck. Be patient.
Well i finally got the bolts off, i just used brut force, i was getting pretty ticked and i just went nuts on em!! Now im in the prosess of putting the new one on, but i ran out of daylight. Thanks for all the tips guys, gotta love Stangnet.
cevtv said:
Exactly. Use heat. The bolts have thread lock on them from the factory - it needs to be heated to release. Don't forget to put thread lock on when you put the bolts back in, too.

What he said. And trust him on putting thread locker on there when the driveshaft goes back in because other wise you will be back under there after the bolt loosen up. I know from experience. :D
RYC CUKR said:
What he said. And trust him on putting thread locker on there when the driveshaft goes back in because other wise you will be back under there after the bolt loosen up. I know from experience. :D

Definitely. I've too many stories about breaking bolts off and then them coming loose -- so do both. Use the heat and the loctite.