Pic Tutorial: How to get your Nittos sticky.... in an AODE.

NICE! There was a burnout contest at Carlisle this year and a guy with a 94-95 blew his tire out and it took out his rear quarter panel... it wasn't pretty! Burnouts are so much fun!
Don't know, should be easier than 3rd in an AODE I would think?
2nd was a struggle for my stock engine. Unless I juiced it.

I know a line lock sure helped. Not fighting the rear brakes is GREAT!

I guess I should note, these were drag radials. I tried to roll out of the burnout in 3rd... once I hit the VHT of the start line the car caught, and bogged like a SOB. LOL The rear tires were basically black tar like roofing tar. Good times.
Thanks... once we get the rear axles fixed. I'll be hard at it with Don trying to get the tune on the transmission down. August 9th is our local tracks Car Club Challenge. We'll be out in full force for this one. I hope.... HOPE.... I can finally spray this pig. 8)