Planning my Build....need advice

LOL good luck kid, if you prove me wrong, good for you, but atleast keep it realistic.. it doesnt matter what happens.. you might pull the motor down, or run into an issue and end up needing some expensive part.. motors are expensive.. good luck building it all
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Kudos to you if you can do a true budget build, but it's a hard task to accomplish - it's not just buy the parts and put everything together, there are tons of hidden costs. If you're not paying for it, even better ;)

Focus pumps will support about 530rwhp max, with a BAP 650+...but just cobra pumps with a BAP will do the same. There really is no reason to upgrade the FPDM unless you go with GT pumps, especially with a BAP. A wiring upgrade is gonna be required for that much power no matter what pumps you go with. You'll also want to remove the PPRV which will cost a couple bucks for the right tubing and clamps.

My goal is 550rwhp and I'm already $4000 just recently and am no where near done....and my list includes T56 and similar stuff you have listed (I still gotta get my internals and everything assembled too). Your list also doesn't mention anything about a shifter, so look to spend $150+ on that unless you find a good deal used. Also, good luck running a non-intercooled vortech setup at 550rwhp+, you'll get a lot of heatsoak.

Remember, there are guys on here that have DONE all this stuff, and we are trying to give you advice when you asked for it :flag:

Phase 2 includes the shifter, although I have been advised and probably will get something better than a UPR. Good info on the fuel pump issues, thats the kind of information I really am looking for.
I think many of you got the impression from my first post that I felt that was EVERYTHING I needed. I do not believe that is everything I need, I felt it was everything I needed to PURCHASE (as I said I'm calling in a few favors for many of the other things). And to reiterate, my dad is a major industrial supplier so in our shop at home we have shelves upon shelves of hardware, and anything else I could possibly need to bolt this baby together with the best hardware(on par or better than ARP). That is why I left things out such as the hardware, and the labor costs(free to me). I was putting together a purchase list and should have clarified that.
how about posting up the total cost when you get finshed. that way you can make me feel bad about the $7000 + i have in mine:rolleyes:

GOOD LUCK. i'm really not trying to be rude but i just think it is completely rediculous that someone thinks an engine can be built that cheap.
What will happen if I build the motor with the dished pistons, and wait a few months to get the blower. I know my compression ratio will go down, but will I lose HP or hurt the engine in any way?
I have a return style fuel system (98 was the last year I believe), and we already established I need new fuel pumps, and I can get all the couplers for free (dad is big in the industrial supply business)
What will happen if I build the motor with the dished pistons, and wait a few months to get the blower. I know my compression ratio will go down, but will I lose HP or hurt the engine in any way?

Thats what im doing right now with mine im waiting for my turbo kit rear end suspension, tranny and some other little things to get built. I have 8:5:1 comp i think something like that. It drives fine its alot faster than before i can take stock ls1s froma roll.

I hope u know the mess you are getting into its going to cost more than you think but goodluck to you.
If it's the 1200 dollar rebuilt t56 on ebay, they also charge a 400 for a core charge and I think 250 for shipping. Now its 1650. you also need a change the yoke.

Shipping is only 100(to a business address, which I have), and I plan to pay the core charge and break even because I will have a perfectly good T 45 to sell:nice: Mine isn't broken...