Sites Being *****'d out?


15 Year Member
Mar 31, 2005
I may have asked this before, but never got an answer... or I forgot

I tried to suggest another option for a stroker kit to a member, but the link was starred out. I'm pretty sure I've seen this in other links as well?

I'm just curious why?
I can't understand why the filters would be setup to censor one site, but still allow the links to DSS, etc....?

Hopefully this question won't be taken out of context... I'm not trying to start a debate... just curious...
There's a few reasons I could think of why a site would be filtered.

1. Competitive sites and frequent outbound links to them
2. Advertising without being a paid sponsor
3. "Bad blood" between sites (someone leaving under bad terms and starting their own site)

There may be other reasons, but those come to mind off the top of my head.

Item 3 probably wouldn't be discussed publicly... so I won't even ask for specifics.

Item 2
It wasn't the shop owner that was trying to post a link to the shops site. It was one of his customers (myself).

Item 1
Is DSS a paying advertiser here?
How about Probe?

Thanks for not taking this the wrong... It's just that I have had a really good experience with a certain business, and wanted to share that with others.

If the link has any words that are spelled the same as a curse word or filtered word then it replaces them with * and the link wont work when posted.
I have to admit that I'm not aware of any instances of item number 3 personally, but it was just something that I had thought of. Neither DSS or Probe are advertisers here. The complete list of SN Sponsors is available on the "View Forum Leaders" link at the bottom of the forum's homepage. I don't have access to the filtered words as a mod, so I don't know what companies are filtered out. If someone else had been posting it frequently and one of our sponsors took offense (competing business), I could see that being a potential issue, too. I should probably move this to the Feedback Area | Testing Zone, so it grabs one of the admins' attention and they can answer better than myself. I believe I will.