Soon new cars are going to be the most brain numbing experience ever

Grover about the civic, thats funny as hell,

And coyote, I could understand, 100 maybe 110 but Ive been in traffic at 90+ everyone was strolling, hell there was a cop 3 cars in front of me. But its like this really, I am 20 so I am no rocket scientist and I do alot of dumb stuff and show off, and I have paid my fair share of bogus tickets from small town cops, even lost my license for a wreckless in a 92 1 wheel wonder camaro. But this is my pointas the mature adults everyone has come to be now days, why dont they understand stupity is a learning curve, you cant limit them or they will get around it. You think my parents didnt give me rules in my camaro? did I listen? no and I learned from it, paid my dues and now have a stupid fast fox. I have also replaced all the parts I've broken myself and learned everything I know by myself and reading and doing.

post summary for those who dont wanna read that ^^
Buy your kids a 15 year old sports car!!! It will still gets attention and be cheaper, make them fix the stuff they break on it and let them screw it up and learn to fix it and they will respect all their $H!+ alot more. I mean if you hand them a new one to beat on with warrenty, what do they care if it breaks something as a kid they would feel like it isnt their responsibility.

end of rant lol
i dont have kids... but im also young enough to remember all the dumb **** i did in my cars when i turned 16...

if i ever have kids... they WILL NEVER get the keys to the LX but if i have a newer one the mykey will be what they get if i have a car that has it
My point is:

Freedom > safety

Even the freedom to be stupid.

Exactly! But along with the freedom (and the freedom to be stupid), you must be willing to accept responsibility for your actions. Too many stupid people want to do dumb things and then deny responsibilty. And you certainly won't learn if you don't hold yourself accountable.

Freedom + Responsibilty for your actions > safety

Teenage driving "freedom" is the reason my cousin has 5 fused vertebrae, is missing most of her small intestine, and has a T-shaped scar that starts below her belly button and runs all the way up to her rib cage. It doesn't matter how much the guilty party took responsibility for their actions, it still doesn't change the fact that she'll have to eat her food differently the rest of her life.
While i agree with most of you and your "teenage freedom" speeches, i believe mykey is a damn good idea. Im 20 years old, and my first car was my 91 gt that i bought with my own money. looking back i did some really dumb ****, and damn near killed myself and my best friend before i even had my license. with freedom you need to take on responsibility, but with some of these kids today your going to want them to have the damn key.
I like all the new safety features in cars these days too. To be honest, when i get in my '88 Mustang, i feel vunerable. No airbags, seatbelts that are prob questionable since they are 20+ years old, no ABS or Traction Control.

I have EIGHT airbags in my G35. It's rediculous, but I love having them...along with ABS, Traction Control, AWD, Stability(Yaw) control and modern crash technology.

I know some guys hate modern technology, but I love it. I know plenty of people who don't want cars newer than 1985 or some year in there for the silliest reasons, and people think that ABS, and airbags are more deadly and would prefer to drive a 1984 Dodge because they feel it's safer. Whatever, more power to them....i'll take all my modern systems.
i think if you cant trust your kid not to be a complete jackass behind the wheel maybe they shouldnt have the responsibility of driving. Everyones going to do dumb things, but if you put all these limitations on someone, when they get behind the wheel of a car with no restraints they may just go more nuts when driving because they've been bottled up behind the wheel of this safe car for so long.
You can add all the safety features you like to a car and make it weigh 10 tonnes, but then you'd also need to give it 1000hp so it can get out of its own way and not crash into itself.
No matter how "safe" you make a car, it's only as safe as the driver behind the wheel.

Word to all of it.

Time to sell the '88; she's just not safe anymore.

I guess I must be ranked as a real nutter because I prefer to be on my motorcycle over anything else...only protection I have is the armor I'm wearing.

How did the accident go down?
How did the accident go down?

Long story short, my cousin was going shopping with a friend and the friend's mom. My cousin's friend had just got her license, and it was the middle of winter so the roads were snowy and icy. My aunt (cousin's mom) specifically requested that the friend's mom drive because of the road conditions. Apparently, shortly after leaving my aunt's house, they stopped somewhere, and the friend's mom gave into her daughter's pleading and let her drive, unbeknown to my aunt, and even to the dismay of my cousin, who was 15 at the time. Shortly afterwords, she lost control of the car at speed while trying to take her coat off in the driver's seat. Hit a tree. Besides what it did to my cousin, the friend's mom also broke her arm or leg, or both, I can't remember.

Now, I realize that MyKey doesn't have a "won't drive while in bad weather conditions" or a "won't allow driver to attempt to remove coat while vehicle is in motion" function, but it is a perfect example of a parent giving too many freedoms to their teen behind the wheel and it resulting in disaster.
First off very sorry to hear about your only 22 (nearly23) but i do feel that not being able to have a learning curve causing more issues later on in life. I mean how many times have you seen a kid have a car giving to them (or that they buy themselves) but has never drove and just turned 16. There is a reason that you get a permit so you have time to learn. When i turned 15 i became my mother's personal chauffeur. I had been driving cars like around our hunting club and little things like that since i was 10. I feel that extremely helped me out in being a more conscience driver when i was out on my own. No im not a parent but i just personally feel that most things start with the parents and how there raised. Everybody wants to blame it on something else like videogames but i properly disciplined most kids will understand that you cant do what you see in games in real life ya know. I guess its just when i was young and pitched a fit in walmart, i wasnt giving the candy bar, i got a spanking in store and then a worse one at the house. Learned pitching fit didnt get me i what i wanted.
sorry for such a long rant, everybody has there opinion and i respect them all