Soon new cars are going to be the most brain numbing experience ever

Also just had my first wreck in my 95 Integra GSR, cant really tell you what happened as i dont remember anything about the wreck before or after until the next morning when i woke up. I was very lucky as i must have went off the road to the right and spun arouns, came back across the road and snapped a telephone pole off (yes with a honda!!) at the ground. Reason im lucky is i was not hurt other than a mild concussion. I just find it wierd that after all the crazy stuff i have done (aka Driving 160mph in my friends 04 Mach 1 at like 3 in the morning) and my first wreck was just normal driving, a true accident. I guess im just saying that like even with all the stupid stuff i have done, the only wreck i have had the mykey would have not made any difference. Alot of times life just comes down to fate.

If your parents' car had this technology, they'd have used it. If I had it, I'd use it on my kids. If they want to race and show off, they can do it in their car, not mine. I'm the only one allowed to tear my stuff up!
Maybe I think this way because i am a new daddy to a little girl but i am all for anything that is gonna keep her I think i kept my brain in my back pocket until i was about 25 and then and only then did i realize there were other people out there that i could effect the rest of their lives with my stupid actions. oh yeah by the way ill take the red key too LOL!