Steering Assembly/u-joints

Frumious B.

New Member
Apr 26, 2003
My steering wheel developed a lot of play after driving on some craptastic Maine roads. I took it to the mechanic, and he diagnosed a broken u-joint that is about to fall off. I haven't been to see it myself, I'm going to stop back in tomorrow morning. He says he can't find the part. I did a google search and found about a Maximum Motorsports Steering Assembly, and some garden variety u-joints at Advanced. Do readers have any particular favorite vendors of u-joints (Not Steeda - that ****'s expensive)? Is it best to replace the whole assembly as long as they are in there?

BTW, the trusty steed got 35 mpg on the way to Maine. I don't need no stinkin' clunker cash.

93, 178k, power steering.