sweet tats

I saw that guy with the Hulk Hogan tat on his back on TV while watching the WWE Summer Slam event. Hogan slapped him on the back. Im sure he was honored to have a guy with huge love handles and stretch marks tattoo his likeness on his back!!

Mr. Cool Ice is an idiot

The spiders on the palm of the hand is kinda cool though.

I worked with a guy..."les" over the summer, he had one leg, he was a mechanic and had hinges tatooed on his elbows and knee lol...he was hilarious! He made up the "Ode to comode" (comode was some ******* that everyone hates, but everyone calls him camode lol and i dunno if i spelled that right)
OMG, some of those were horrible. The spider on the hand was cool, but the rest, holly crap, I would kill. Some goofy tattoos I know people have do them to cover up worse tattoos. I say just get them removed, now that it can be done. Some of them would be OK but obvously the one doing the tattoo wasn't an artist, and some the art is good but WHY. Peewee... then MJ feeling a little boys balls. A joke is a joke, but no joke is that funny. Also, you might love a band, but unless your in it, don't write it on yourself. No way have I ever admired another dude enough to have him on my skin.