2005 Roush stall speed?


Active Member
Apr 23, 2023
Do these cars come with a higher stall convertor? Just bought one today and seems to be about a 2500 stall converter? Car appears to be 100% stock so doubt it was added later. Tried to check trans fluid but couldn't find the dipstick and a quick Google search seemed to confirm there is no trans dipstick on the '05 Roush? BTW-its a stage 1
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Actually... [All] of these issues can be wrapped into one thread that is specific to [this] car. There's no need to start a new thread for each issue you run into. Furthermore, you may discover that some things are interrelated. It's best to have everything in one spot vs. spread over multiple threads.

What the experienced members do is to edit their thread title to indicate the latest "thing" that they're working on or through.
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Don't forget to select the [Progress Thread} Tag when you make the thread for the car. You can also convert one of your current threads to a progress thread by editing the Title.

Let me know if you need help with this.

Also: You should bookmark this link and put it on your [Bookmark Bar]:


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One you drag or paste the links up top, you can name them whatever you like.

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