Brake Bleeding Trick


5 Year Member
Sep 26, 2017
Roy, Utah
For those of you who fix your own
A plastic (or metal) master cylinder cap, can be drilled and used as a power brake bleeder
!/16 drill bit, drilled thru the cap and the rubber
Shop air (real light) pressure on top of the cap blowing slight pressure in the reservoir
Then crack all the lines and go to town
About 30 seconds of that and even the most ignorant Master Cylinder or HCU will be bled out
I learned this after / during the 4x4 Air Rooster MC recall (I replaced about a thousand master cylinders) on those
Great thing is you can walk away mid procedure and still be okay (the vehicle just continues to gravity bleed)
Good luck
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For those of you who fix your own
A plastic (or metal) master cylinder cap, can be drilled and used as a power brake bleeder
!/16 drill bit, drilled thru the cap and the rubber
Shop air (real light) pressure on top of the cap blowing slight pressure in the reservoir
Then crack all the lines and go to town
About 30 seconds of that and even the most ignorant Master Cylinder or HCU will be bled out
I learned this after / during the 4x4 Air Rooster MC recall (I replaced about a thousand master cylinders) on those
Great thing is you can walk away mid procedure and still be okay (the vehicle just continues to gravity bleed)
Good luck
That's a good DYI bleeder hack, great for back yard mechanics with no friends.
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