Resource Discussion Craigslist Links


I wish I didn't have all of these balls in the air
15 Year Member
Dec 6, 2005
Marietta, Ga
Here is a start of a sticky thread idea. Post up any links to ads you may find concerning the II to help others find what they need! Here is an example:

1976 Mustang II Engine 2800cc 171cu 2.8L V6

This posting is for a ´76 171 V6 for $300. It has, from what the posting says, 75000 miles.

There is another ad that shows up from time to time locally that is trying to sell some miscellaneous parts as well. I haven´t run across that ad recently though. I did run across a hood for a ´74 though:

1974 Mustang II Hood

Anyway, post up your finds here!
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This could end up being a pretty good resource. You might want to include ebay and Amazon links for particularly hard to find items and things of that nature. I know M2 parts are becoming more and more scarce so I'm not opposed to something like this thread.

Let's just make sure that nobody is selling anything in here. Those kinds of things belong in the classifieds section. :nice:

The CL ads are approaching gray area but I definitely get what you guys are trying to do so carry on. :)

Edit: Ah... one more footnote: Along with your links, you might also want to copy/paste any images that go along with those ads. The Stangnet server duplicates and displays those images. So the images will exist in the thread even after the ad link becomes invalid.
Thanks! I guess the forum title is a little misleading, but by all means post whatever classified ad you can find from where ever! Craigslist is probably the most popular by far, but kijiji(sp?) and other sites too! And posting a few pics is an excellent idea as well!

Here are a couple more I just found on my local craigslist......



1977 Ford Mustang II Original Condition - New Engine, Etc
