Administrative Oh Noes!!! My Images Are All Screwy!


Stangnet Facilities Maint Tech... Er... Janitor
Admin Dude
Jan 4, 1985
Box behind Walmart
So seriously, how does a correctly oriented photo load onto this site sideways or upside down. It did it on my android and now my iphone. You should throw a "rotate" doodad in there so we can fix it before posting.

I've been looking into doing this. It's more involved than you'd think HOWEVER....

Watch this because I think you will like it:

Say I'm posting and all of the sudden I get the urge to upload an image. I know for sure the reason why I want to upload this image into this thread but the possibility exists that I might use that image again. Instead of just dropping a link into the thread like usual, try this


Hover over SHOWCASE until the drop-down menu appears. Right click on YOUR ALBUMS and select Open Link in New Tab.

Either create a new album or select an existing one.

Add the image you want to upload. Select the image so that it is the one that is open on your screen. Now, notice the Media Tools drop-down


You can rotate that image however you want and it will auto save.

Now, go back to the browser tab where you are creating your post and REFRESH the page.

In the post window, you will find a small camera icon


Click that icon. It will open a selection menu to your albums. The rest should be self-explanatory.

As far as you camera phone picture takers and weird angles etc.... That is a conversation that you need to have with your phone. Generally, cell phone pics should be taken with the camera side-ways and the hard buttons to the right. Auto-rotate should be enabled on the phone. I have found that with most phones, doing this will cause the images to be the correct side up.

I don't generally run from thread to thread fixing images that folks can't figure out how to upload on their own. lol If I did, that's all I'd ever be doing. :p
Part B

If you are not having orientation issues with your images, you can also load them using this method:


Select one or more files from your hard drive:
use the CTRL key to select multiple files


click the OPEN button and allow time for the files to load


You now have the option to post them all at once and insert your text around them


You can choose to post them singly as you create your post

Either way you choose to do it, you need to know that they will post wherever your cursor is located in the post window. Good to check that location before clicking.

This method is more reliable than image hosting services.


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