Another complement story

bullitt 5561

New Member
Jun 18, 2006
I was washing 5561 today and my neighbor who I've never spoken to is taking his trash out. He walks by and I nod my head, he said "that is one fine piece of machine". I love having a Mustang. I know you all get complements all the time. Makes you feel awesome. My Mitsubishi Diamante never got one look, and it was always clean too.



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We went to Subway today across campus and some guy freaked when we got out of the car.

He's like "hey man, that "Bullitt" on the back of your car, did you put that there, or....."

I told him no, its a special edition mustang made to commemorate the movie. Then he about **** his pants and proceeded to tell us how his family is all Mustang nuts. (yet he didnt know what a Bullitt was)

Pretty cool though. :)
jasonh_86 said:
Hell yeah man! I love getting compliments like that!

Man.. Helty got some hella compliments today.. it was great to hear, even if it wasn't my car! :D
see, I couldnt make this **** up if I tried.
bullitt 5561 said:
I know you all get complements all the time. Makes you feel awesome.

i've been complimented twice in my 4 1/2yrs of ownership:

1) my brother told me the day i got it "well, the color's not that bad". mineral grey. he has a white 'o1 gt

2) filling it up at the gas station a couple years back. a girl across the way said "hey that's a nice car, my sister has one just like it!"

guess my car is pretty low on the radar:shrug:
mineral grey 'o2 gt stock height, pony (not bullitt) rims
I agree, I get lots of compliments too.
Yesterday I was in the grocery store parking lot driving past the store when I see this little boy and his mom walking towards the store entrance, As Im passing them, boy, no older than 4 yells "Super Mustang!". I thought it was the cutest thing, his jaw dropped when I rumbled by. It made my day.
One time in a grocery store parking lot, this old woman approached me and asked me what year my Mustang was. After I told her, she just looked at my car, sighed, and said, "That's my dream."

I'm not sure if I was more sad for her, happy for me, or mortified that my car was being lusted after by an old lady.
I've been getting more and more compliments. My favorite was last week when i'm at the gas station and a guy got all excited about my tires. Said he'd never seen that tread pattern before (BFG KDW'S). He asked some other questions, said beautiful car, and wished me luck with it.
I get lots from lil kids ( the flames they love'em), or women ( the color).

But this past weekend at a car show some kid walked up with his dad and proclaimed "Dad those are the pimpest rims ever!" guess the DD fr500's aren't as played out as everyone likes to think.
Happens all the time. I once came out of the mall to find some old guy in his 90's with an eye patch oogling my car. He asked me some questions, then told me he owned a 64 Mustang.

Then on the ride home some lady in her 40's was complimenting it at a red light.

I usually get rubber neckers and a lot of people checking out the wheels (factory '03 bullitts but i polished the clearcoat and waxed them so they shine) at red lights.

The best is when people are walking and then turn to watch you drive by...even better when they are girls your age :)
I get alot of compliments on the car too, and always love it. Couple days ago my neighbor came over and asked what I did to the paint, cause it's been looking really good, and said maybe he'll paint his bike that color. Then last night at the liquor store as I was pulling out, guy came out and stopped and I stopped and waved him across, and he kind of laughed and said he was just staring, and I was feeling pretty good about the car and went to leave and caught him looking again and realized he was looking at me, not the car lol.
lol....yea the other day at the gas station this older guy was like MAN looked around it and said whats it got under the hood i said a v8 he said thats a bad mother f***** lol and then he said he would kill him self in one lol thats probably why he had a minivan