BEHOLD, I Am Among you


Mar 11, 2012
I'm RDT from Hell (Alabama) and after years of dreaming and scheming, I picked up my baby Feb 13th! Let the universe tremble....
The ladies.jpg
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I know but it's right in front of my place and the only guy who ever uses any of the spaces parks as far over as he can too (you can just see his bumper far left). The major DDD is where my bike's parked, thanks to an idiot who drives his car like it's a crippled Battlestar. Sadly, The Lady already took her first ding 2 days after I got her, when I completely lost my f****** mind and parked at a mall...
A loooooooooooooong time ago I had a car that I had freshly painted. I was that guy that parked all screwy to keep others away. I even parked out in the ding toolies but folks still griped. The apartment complex that I lived at sent me a nasty graham telling me that I MUST park within the painted slots no matter how far out I parked or how congested the parking was. I did... Got a door ding that VERY week. Called the cops, filed a police report, went to small claims court, and took the partment complex for $600 (their parking lines were not wide enough to accomodate anything but the smallest of econo-boxes).