
New Member
Nov 17, 2002
Easton Pa
"So Deanna, do you want the good news first, or the bad news first?" Is what I heard from dad as I picked up my cell phone yesterday, confused as to why he was calling, and even more confused as to why he was asking me this.
"Good news." I replied wondering what happened.
"Well, the ambulence driver said I'm alright, and they just kept my until my blood pressure dropped back to normal and my pulse as well."
"Dad... Dad are you alright? Whats the bad news?" I said already getting worried.
"Cobrask8, is wrecked."

So yes, Dan has done it this time. In turn ten of Watkins Glen, he hit the rail and spun out. I don't have pictures of the car yet, but it's on the trailer and in wreck. Dad told me that the engine popped out of the mounts and popped the distribulor cap off as it hit. The front suspesion is mashed, the front of the body is un-repairable, and the aluminum work is in shambles. I hope he doesn't have to re-build yet another hydraulic clutch, that was on that side of the car too...

Dad has promised pictures, and I shall post them as soon as I get them.
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I was scared myself, I thought the car had flipped or something. Dad told me when I get home, we're going to start working on it right away. We've got all fall and all winter to do it. There were only two other car shows we wanted to bring it to, but that's not going to happen now. It's just gonna take a while... But what matters is that dad is ok.
Here's the track layout, he spun off in turn 10:

Your father called me last night right after he spoke with you and gave me the rundown. I've already been in contact with the upper management at FFR and they are awaiting our teardown, inspection, and the wants and needs list.

Yours In Fords

Bill "who do your think sold your father that trailer" S. :D
Hi All,

First off, I'm fine, just neck & left side is sore. My ego, pride, and wallet hurt more.

Yes, COBRASK8 took a heck of a hit, much harder than I thought. The driver's side suspension is all bent & broken, though the frame is OK. Body is toast. Even ripped the motor off the mounts. Oddly enough, It did not dump any fluids on the track, and I even was able to drive it (if you can call it that) from the trailer into the garage.

Time to pull it apart, fully survey the damage, and formulate a plan to resuciate COBRASK8.

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Phewwww..... Glad to know he's alright and will be back in the driver seat soon. Damage to COBRASK8 doesn't look too bad, but I guess looks were decieving . Good luck on the rebuild process. Live to race another day is what it's all about!:nice:
Hooo-leeee efffing Judas' Priest on a Crutch!:eek: :eek: :eek: :jaw:

That looks like it hurt a lot! I'm guessing you already had a prelim checkout; but go see your Doc for a real checkup - that soreness in the neck can live with you forever (don't ask me how I know).

Ol' Cobrask8 (I still wanna call her "Cheapsnake) look like she took the worst of it, though. That 'glass nose doesn't look like it's gonna patch back together very easily (or at all). And with the motor and front suspension parting ways from the car; I'd sure be snapping measurement/alignment strings all over the place on the front clip.

At least you're up and able to tell about it :nice: ; but do go see your Doc for a thourough checkup. Like 65mistress said, Cobrask8 can be rebuilt, but even mdjay can't get parts for 1961 model-year automotive scribes! :nonono:

So, WTH happened? Did a tire let go? A-arm give out? Or was it just too much "Days of Thunder" in your bloodstream :p