Ford Service Changes


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
Dearborn, MI
Good afternoon -

Just a heads up, we are doing some reassignments. Thomas B. will be taking over as your Ford point of contact, effective today.

As he gets acclimated to the community, there may be a slight delay with PMs.

Let him know if you need anything!


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Good afternoon all -

Heads up! I'll be transitioning over to Twitter again in order to handle marketing requests, effective Wednesday, September 12th. I'll miss you guys! I've been in contact with our engineers about the front-end clunking and transmission issues. In addition, I've provided them with all relevant customer information; thank you!

The most awesome person I've ever met, Crystal, will be your new Ford rep in this forum as of today. Just like me, she handled customer assistance tweets, and is very handy with a keyboard. Please give her a warm reception and lots of love!

Please remember, as she gets acclimated to the community, there may be a slight delay with PMs.

Take care,

You guys change seats quicker than we do, motor oil.

The most awesome person I've ever met, Crystal, will be your new Ford rep in this forum as of today. Just like me, she handled customer assistance tweets, and is very handy with a keyboard. Please give her a warm reception and lots of love!


So ummmm.... Crystal, is it? :oops:

You married? Have a boyfriend? Want one? :cool:

Ok, I kid, I kid. :jester: (sorta)

What I mean is... Welcome to :SN:

You will find many a serious people here because the interwebz are serious business. :O_o:

I'm just not one of them. :nice:
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Hey gang!

I’m going to transition over to a new set of forums, helping out folks with their Expeditions, Explorers, Escapes, Flexes, and Super Duty trucks. Not to worry, though – I’m leaving you in the super-capable hands of my colleague, Cory. He and I are switching forums, but we’ll always be available to assist if the other person is out of the office. I’ve brought him up to speed on all outstanding customer service issues, but please be patient with him as he acclimates himself to the community; initially there might be a slight delay with addressing private messages. Please join me in welcoming Cory to the community!
