Help!!!!! 1993 Mustang coolant sensor inline T housing


May 28, 2019
Hello, I have a 1993 Mustang 2.3L FX and the old coolant temperature sensor broke off in the T housing as you can see in the photo. I was hoping someone could tell me the actual name of this t housing, or where to possibly get another, and if there is any part information on it. Also are there any work arounds that anyone has done? Thanks.


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The sensor just unscrews from the housing, so just grab 2 wrenches and unbolt it. I recommend soaking it in PB Blaster or similar to make it easier on you.
Clamp the hex part of the sensor tightly in a bench vise, then creatively use a wrench to unscrew the tee from the sensor. Try not to use the wrench in such a way to damage the thin hose barbs. Most of the time they come off pretty easily.
The part would never come off, even with a blow torch, or clamp, it was completely and utterly rusted on the the point the head was starting the wear down. However, anyone here who has the same problem. You can find very similar set up at lowes that works great. Use a t housing that fits the sensor and attach an extended pipe on both ends to allow for plenty of room for the housing to tie onto. At the very end on both sides screw on a nut that will allow the house to slip on and grip similar to the setup of the existing T housing but make sure that coolant can pass through.
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