hOw muCh hP cAn tHe nEw bOss 302 blOck hanDle?


Apr 3, 2005
I have read a lot of articles on the new Boss 302 block but none mention how much hp this block can handle. One short read mentioned about 1000.

Anyone have a better idea or a link to articles with proof?

Ben :flag:
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What do these blocks run? $1500 bare block? and dont you still need to machine it before you assemble it? So from what little i read and seen here these are way stronger then the mexican ones right? Ben i'm shure next weekend you will be able to see a few of these run :D ? 5 more days! :nice: peace

From what I've seen the Boss is little more than an updated R302, few minor changes but nothing revolutionary. Basically Ford's responce to the Dart Sportsman block. My R302 has been bullet proof at over 1000rwhp through the glide, same as Gregg's, bottom line is that you can't really go wrong with any of the new gen 4-bolt blocks, Ford, Dart, World, just get whichever one has the detail features you need and the price you can afford.

What I really want to know is what is up with the homorific intarweb gangsta capitalization in the thread title? ;)
NOOOOOO! No gangsta here. I don't know what I did if I did anything. I was shocked to see it up there myself. Is has never done that before untill I started a new thread calling out Nate. I don't like it, how do I get rid of it? Maybe I have a virus. I posted a thread in another area and it did the same thing. What gives?
NOOOOOO! No gangsta here. I don't know what I did if I did anything. I was shocked to see it up there myself. Is has never done that before untill I started a new thread calling out Nate. I don't like it, how do I get rid of it? Maybe I have a virus. I posted a thread in another area and it did the same thing. What gives?

I think its a mental virus...:p might need to get that checked out:nice: