I'm thinking of getting a motor bicycle

The controls take all of 2 minutes of riding to memorize.

Throttle: right writst.
Start: most bikes are right thumb
Front brake: right hand
Clutch: left hand
Horn: Left thumb
Lights left thumb
Signals: left thumb

Just hop on with all your gear and go.
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My buddies dad has a kawasaki zzr 1200, lets just say that thing will FLY!!! He said he got to 140 in no time the first time he rode it. Not the smartest thing but hes 40 and can do what he wants lol.
That's an interesting mindset - I've never owned anything new - best of luck choosing what you want (I'd say dont forget that ergos are more important IMHO than having the fastest bike on paper).

Either there's a lot of machismo on this thread or some of you guys should be riding professionally. I am a bit disappointed in some of the replies and the casualness given to learning controls and the many nuances of riding. I liken it to folks who say they learned to weld within 15 minutes - I must be retarded because it sure took me longer to get comfy with doing what I wanted and to my standards.
One wants controls to be completely second nature before ever riding in traffic - watching out for cages is a full time assignment all itself.

Jason, given your desires, I will only say one or two more things. I'd recommend hitting some bike forums and reading gripes about models you're interested in. And the first few times the new bike goes out, I'd have frame sliders on it and have removed the fairings. That's just me, and we've seen that I must be slow on the uptake or too cautious compared to others that have posted.
It's not that it's hard to ride, but one wants to leave as little as possible open to happen-chance.

I hope this post wasnt a downer - I'm just being what I consider to be very realistic and responsible.

Best of luck bud and definately keep us updated with what you get and how you like it. :nice:
If your talking about me in regaurds of learning in 5 minutes, and such, I'm not as I came off. I took my time learning. What I ment by it was you can learn on a big bike if you have self-control. I got my 250 ninja as a first bike against my will because I know I'll get on whatever it is quickly, and I am 17 and I WILL drop it. All I ment was if you're responsible enough, you can learn on any bike.
Check out the Suzuki SV650 or SV650s. They make two different models. I bought one new a little over a year ago for $5500. For a 650 it's pretty darn quick. It's a V-twin motor with plenty of power, and only weighs ~370 lbs dry. Even though top speed is only ~135 or 140, it gets there pretty fast. Magazine articles state high 11's or low 12's in the 1/4 mile. I promise you will not get bored on this bike. I can't remember ever seeing someone disappointed unless they wanted to go 180mph. Check out www.SVRider.com

Here's my '05 with a few mods like the rear seat cowl, bar end mirrors, handguards, rear fender removed.
For a naked bike the SV's are pretty sharp looking. However, I'm just not a fan of the naked bikes.

I like the clean smooth appearance of the body fairings.
Actually, right now I am leaning more toward the GSXR 750 just because of the exhaust being cleaner on that bike than on most others.
I doubt my riding skills will ever be able to fully utilize the power of the 750, so a 1000 does seem like a waste.

I sat on a few this weekend at a local dealer, and many of the "sport" bikes have too aggressive of a seating position for me.

I appreciate the seriousness with which you have taken this discussion. I understand completely all of the points you have brought up. I have had the same thoughts floating through my head for a while now.
I just wanted to say thanks for leveling things out. :nice:
