Just saw a fleet of 10 2005 GT's

To date I've seen 8 05 Mustang's, including pre-production models with tons of camo and fully dressed production models probably out for durability/nvh testing on public roads. I work/live around all Big 3 testing facilities and have even had patients at work that worked for auto companies and drove around concept/pre-prod cars. :nice:
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Ok a-hole apparently your sarcasm has clouded your sight because I was one of the first to support him.... Second the only reason I brought up a sports team was because someone brought up how great the pistons are. It doesn't matter who owns the team, the cup went to tampa, a place that doesn't see natural ice. Thirdly, your right I may not have all the info on the 05 but thats because no one here does. I know a little more than the average joe because the largest ford dealer in all of the southeast happens to be one of the sponsors of my mustang club and I have quite a few contacts. Fourth, the particular testing facility is the second largest in the nation and happens to be home to almost all of the actual production testing on the ford gt. As far as my level of education is concerned I am a college graduate and am working on my masters in engineering at the university of central florida and speak three languages. Now my post wasnt' really directed at you in the first place and once you attack ones home state don't expect not to get a "sarcastic" reply.
Round however many.

If you read back, I was supporting the guy early on also. The people I flamed were:
1. People who claim that if a photo doesn't exist, thing didn't happen.
2. People who use local sports teams as bragging points.
If you fall into either of these catagories .... no appoligies for any flames.

I will still flame these people. As far as "Attacking Florida" in the original post, I was just pointing out that things that are more common place in one part of the country, don't get their pictures taken. SAYING alligators are in FL was not meant as an attack. I could have used Pigs in Iowa, or Snow in Denver .... (guess what, it Snows in Denver , but I hardly ever see a photo posted on it, and if it Snows in Dallas, it freakin makes CNN like its the next coming). And if anyone in Iowa, Denver, or Dallas is now offended .... I give up.
The ref to the Rodent again just points out how useless photo requirments are. I like Florida. Mickey generates more income in a day than I will see in my life. Heck, some of the $$ he has were mine. Point is though, some stuff is REAL w/o photo's, and some stuff w/ photo's isn't necessarily real. Again, if that offended you .... uhm ... ok.
You speak 3 languages .... great. Your going after a Master's ... fantastic. Would expect you wouldn't fall into either of the catagories above then. But sure enough, you are bragging hockey .... expect to get flamed. Then you say "someone else brought up the pistons first". So, flame them ... don't join in the moronic debate. And even in the last post, you are now arguing over wether its more important where the winning team plays or where the owner lives. Point should be, either way, WHO CARES.
By the way .... anyone near Syracuse, feel free to trump these guys on any mustang fact, cause the NCAA Men's D1 Lacrosse champions are from there.

And Yes good info can come from anywhere, including FL. If you got some, PLEASE POST IT!!!!! That is the point of these forums.