MAC 2-1/2" or 3" Dumps

ok, I rocked the 3" MAC cat-back last summer with my O/R X pipe and loved it, but its time for a change. I really miss my old 2-1/2" MAC Pro Dumps that I had on the summer before, not only because of the unique sound of them, but because of the MUCH cleaner look of the back of my car. I have decieded to get rid of the MAC 3" cat-back that on my car right now, and go back to the Pro Dumps.


Should I get the 2-1/2" or 3" dumps?

the 3" catback is a little louder than the 2-1/2" dumps were, so I'm leaning toward the 3" dumps, but my main concern is if I will have a noticible power loss becase of them? I plan on doing some sort of built PI head swap this summer or fall, and am looking to achieve around 300hp at the wheels. so keep this in mind.

(sorry for the long post):SNSign:
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