mustang week CRASH thread!!!

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no thanks

Wasnt sure if it would make you join to look at them. Oh well, Im sure pics will pop up elsewhere.
streetstang03 said:
thats what a real cobra sounds like :p


PonyboyIsaac said:
ha people are funny, thats what the brake pedal is for use it!!!

Thats actually what did him in. He lost it to the right, over corrected, then lost it to the left, hit the brakes and then the SUV. If he would have just lifted off the gas he could have probably completed a 360 and been ok, but by hitting the brakes you basically screw yourself in that situation.
StangLou said:
Thats actually what did him in. He lost it to the right, over corrected, then lost it to the left, hit the brakes and then the SUV. If he would have just lifted off the gas he could have probably completed a 360 and been ok, but by hitting the brakes you basically screw yourself in that situation.

yeah by that time the brakes are useless