Need expert opinions on no start


New Member
Apr 30, 2003
Hi guys,
This isn't a 4.6 question, but i do need some real Ford help, so please dont delete this thread right away. I need your EFI expertise.

The car is a 94 Ford Probe (I know... :bang: ) and i cant get it started. It was running beautifully for a long while. I didnt drive it for a week, during which it sat through very cold, below freezing weather. It turns over just fine now, but it sounds like it isnt getting any fuel.

any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
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Is it still below freezing? When I lived in the mountains I got a bad tank of gas that had a lot of water in it. As the temperatures dropped overnight the water froze and my wife's truck wouldn't start. After it got above freezing for a while I could finally get fuel and the truck started, but there was still enough water in there to trash the injectors. We fought that truck from that point on because my wife didn't believe me and wasn't willing to let me spend $700 to replace them. Three years and $4000 later the Nissan dealer finally agreed with me, replaced the injectors, and fixed the problem. I don't know if that's the problem you're having, but you could try some additives to get rid of ice/water in your tank... :nice: