Oil Galley Plug (the one rear of intake)


5 Year Member
Aug 7, 2018
Just found that my oil galley plug, the one in the threaded hole rear of the intake appears to be leaking. How does one go about fixing this?

The whole is threaded, but the plug appears like a freeze style plug? Can't get any hex or torx bit to bit in there so I presume the head of the plug is smooth inside?




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You sure oil from the lower intake manifold isn’t just leaking and pooling into there?

That boss is actually where the knock sensor goes on the f150 application. Not used on the Mustang and it’s a blind threaded boss. You must have an F1SE block from a 91-95 Mustang or Explorer.

That’s why I ask if the lower is leaking because that just goes into iron with nothing around it. The actual oil plugged port is under the manifold so any leak goes into the lifter valley anyway.
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Well when that was my first thought, the rear seal for the intake. Despite the pool to the rear, I swabbed the silicone bead with a q-tip and it came up dry.

But after I posted, I read about the knock sensor so feeling more and more its just a simple intake leak