One El-Kabonged Detroit Locker

LedZ 5.0

now you have my pea brain going in circles
Apr 1, 2004
Well, I have a problem with my 3.80 locker. I went to do a smokey burn out yesterday and let the clutch out at around 2800 and nothing happened except a loud bang and the tires didn't even move. At first I thought I dropped the driveshaft or knocked out the T-5. I thought the Detroit Lockers were supposed to be able to take some abuse. I could see it if I let loose around 5000 rpm but 2800 should've been just fine. I usually let loose around 3200. Anyway, my question is will the spider gears from a factory 8" be the same as the ones used in the Detroit third member? I'm sure that's what the problem is but will see for sure once I drop the center. It was fun doing some damage but will be expensive to repair not including the towing charge to get the coupe home. :D

LedZ :flag:
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1badII- I don't know what's inside a Detroit but will find out within the next few days. I'm hoping just minimal damage like spider gears, if there are any, or axles.

a351MUST2- This was kind of freakish the way this rear just went out to lunch. I didn't have a clue or I would've did some R&R if I heard any off the wall noises coming from the carrier before hand. When we pushed the car after the tow the rear was making some loud clunking noises and sounded like it was ready to lock up. When I start the car and put it in gear it's real bad when I let the clutch out just a little. I'm just curius to see if the whole center blew up. If it did puek I have a few extra 8" II rears but they're all factory open rears. A couple 3.40's and some 2.79's from my parts cars.

Here's a cutaway of a Detroit locker. I guess those are spider gears, but if they're broken, you need a whole new unit.


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Mark- I always popped the clutch before the damage. Now I just let the clutch up a little and I get a lot of clunking noises. I can't let the clutch engage. I'll figure it all out once the center is removed.

1badII- Thanks for the picture. I couldn't find anything in my Chilton or Motor manuals on the Detroit centers. I'd post pictures of the damage when I remove the center but didn't figure out how to do that yet.

LedZ 5.0 said:
Mark- I always popped the clutch before the damage.

I re-read your post this morning and figured that out.

I also reread your statement(s) about ... "I thought the Detroit Lockers were supposed to be able to take some abuse. I could see it if I let loose around 5000 rpm but 2800 should've been just fine. ... and ... This was kind of freakish the way this rear just went out to lunch. I didn't have a clue or I would've did some R&R if I heard ....." .

The locker did take some abuse. Aparently quite a bit. When it had enough it gave it up.

Aparently you've 'popped' your clutch allot, it's not freakish that it blew apart without warning, it's freakish that it took so long.

You can't side step/ pop/ dump the clutch and expect s**t not to break. It's a fact of physics. As time approaches zero force approaches infinity. Popping the clutch is about as close to zero as you can get.

There is this goodly mass made of a crank, flywheel and pressure plate spinning at a velocity which gives them kenetic energy. Lots of it. Popping the cutch dumps all that KE on the drive train all at once.

So, yeah, you were beating the car, of course somethings going to break. I'm surprised the T5 didn't part.

Theres something else hidden in your posts that everyone should pay attention to: You have aparently unleashed your engines rotational KE ont he drive train at 5000 RPM but it broke at 2800. This illustrates the concept that you may stress something now without having it break, that doesn't mean it won't break under a lower loading later.

LedZ 5.0 said:
1badII- Thanks for the picture. I couldn't find anything in my Chilton or Motor manuals on the Detroit centers.


19,500 hits for "detroit locker"
Mark- I understand what you're saying. I didn't think I was beating the car that much. I would hate to take this to the track if that's all this trans and rear can take. I'd probably break on my first run and all the Bowties would have a good laugh at the weasley little II. I'm not going to baby the car or sit it in a garage and look at it. If parts break than I'll have to take the loss and do some repairs. I was under the impression that the Detroit was one of the best centers availabe for handling loads of torque. I'm only putting out about 280-300 horses at the flywheel. Nothing compared to what most 5.0's are running at the track and they're bringing the front end off the ground. If I tried that the rear would probably fall off the car and explode. Not really conserned about any damage that's done. I just don't think I did enough abuse for that rear to fall apart. Thanks for the input anyway.

I reminds me of the time a few years ago I blew up the rear end in my '95 lightning showing off to some friends at a stoplight on new years eve...all i did was pwr brake (hold the brake and hit the gas) but this time all i heard was BANG and then zzZZZzzzZZZZzzzzzz but no go!! We just pushed it off to the side of the road caught a ride with the friends I was showing off too and went to the party. Woke up the next afternoon and called Dad. which was funny cuz I said "uh...Dad....I broke the lightning last night and I need a tow." the first thing he said was "what happened? were you were hot rodding it again?" anywho, it cost $1,200 in parts alone. that sucked, so i feel for you.
LedZ 5.0 said:
Mark- I understand what you're saying. I didn't think I was beating the car that much. I would hate to take this to the track if that's all this trans and rear can take. I'd probably break on my first run and all the Bowties would have a good laugh at the weasley little II. I'm not going to baby the car or sit it in a garage and look at it. If parts break than I'll have to take the loss and do some repairs. I was under the impression that the Detroit was one of the best centers availabe for handling loads of torque. I'm only putting out about 280-300 horses at the flywheel. Nothing compared to what most 5.0's are running at the track and they're bringing the front end off the ground. If I tried that the rear would probably fall off the car and explode. Not really conserned about any damage that's done. I just don't think I did enough abuse for that rear to fall apart. Thanks for the input anyway.


You understand nothing.
syberjunkie-That's what happened to this piddly rear I have. It just went BANG and that was all she wrote. A lot of clunking after that. Like I said, it was fun. If the repair would even come close to what it cost you for the lightening than I'll just use one of my II open rears and scrap this center.

LedZ said:
I understang all that there is to understand.


I was hoping when Raburn updated the software it would be a version that automatically stopped sending notifications of 'new posts' made by posters on my ignore list.

Oh well, make a filter in mail, value = containing LedZ to trash.

Test ... works .... Bye
Well, Back to the subject at hand . . . . .

I think another thing may have been overlooked here. Dumping the clutch at a lower RPM is usually worse than at a higher engine speed. The tires have a better chance of hooking. And That just ads more stress to the whole drivetrain.

I havent gotten on my lil II enough to break the tires loose, so Im not sure how much the 8" will take yet. But haveing an auto trans will help keep it going a little longer. :rolleyes:
JonDawg said:
I think another thing may have been overlooked here. Dumping the clutch at a lower RPM is usually worse than at a higher engine speed. The tires have a better chance of hooking.

I wasn't going to post that, it's hard enough for some people to grasp fundimentals. I didn't want to give anyone the idea that dumping the clutch at 5k + didn't cause damage that could show up now or later.

At this point I don't care what that other person thinks, fact he should carry on. Someone has to keep the economy flowing.