
  1. robw13

    Bad relay or battery or ???

    Parked my mustang GT and now it's dead as a doornail. Tried jumper cables, nothing. Would that lead to the Starter, relay, or Alternator? No lights or anything, all wires are tight, nothings changed.
  2. H

    84 Mustang With Odd Electrical Issue

    I have a 84 mustang with a stroker motor. Over the last week I noticed my radio would blackout when I either slowly rev or rapidly. It will come on within 15 seconds, but will blackout each time I accelerate. Don't matter if in gear or parked. My battery has 12.6v prior to starting and 16.5v at...
  3. Dondre Richards

    Window Motors No Good??

    The other day my power window on the driver side stopped working. It happened after I came home one day. Rolled it up. Turned off the car. Then I went back in the car so I rolled down the driver window alone and when I tried to roll it back up it didn't. I assumed it would have been because of...