270 HP?!?!? Yea, in his dreams...


Mar 26, 2006
I was thumbing through the craigslist classifieds when I came across this and almost threw something at the computer screen.. http://www.craigslist.org/sby/car/165306786.html

I mean, what is this guy thinking? It really irritates me everytime I see something like this on a classified site.. Some poor guy/gal out there is going to buy this car thinking it has that much power with ONLY exhaust and TB... sorry, just had to rant...

Other than that, it looks fairly clean..
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Probably one of those in-car gadgets that you see in magazines that measure your 0-60 and calculate hp by judging by the weight of the car or some crap. He probably entered the gross max. weight of 4400 lbs (on the door sticker) to get that figure.

And 245's on an 18x9 wheel :nonono:

Not a bad car overall though