3 teens destroy 2010 mustang on test drive


Founding Member
Mar 11, 2002
Toms River NJ


Three 19-year-olds managed to convinced someone to give them the keys to a 2010 Ford Mustang GT, and being teenagers, completely destroyed it after the driver lost control. Amazingly, they all walked away.

The story is unconfirmed, but the way it goes is three 19-year-olds somehow got the keys to a 2010 Mustang GT for a test drive and commenced to drive it like Road & Track they stole it, leading to the inevitable loss of control and complete demolition of the car. The crash was violent enough to destroy every bit of front-end body work, crinkle the main cabin structure and tear the front suspension off. OFF. None of the kids were wearing seat belts of course, and one was ejected from the vehicle in the crash, but unbelievably they all walked away with scratches and bruises. Everything in the story is believable, though stupid up until that last part about no serious injuries. If it's true, these are some very lucky idiots.

driver will most likely pay full MSRP plus legal fees for the car too..

Thats what happened when this same thing happened with a brand new bullit mustang several years ago At a dealer I worked for back then

The insurance company went after the driver and won in court and garnished his wages.. he was allowed to keep 150 a week out of his check..

I think he has paid it off by now but I lost track of the two guys that were in the car
One of the Ford dealerships here have a policy where a salesperson must accompany you on a test drive with a Mustang GT, most likely to you as the test driver do not bag the car and to prevent you from getting into situations that leads to things like this particular story. I also wouldn't doubt this isn't the only Ford dealer that has that policy, either.

As for if the car can be salvaged, most wrecked cars can be salvaged if you have the money even if it's severe. As I've said in the past in other threads, I've seen and heard of cars burnt down to the frames be restored (one of them being a Ford GT40 in a process that took seven years). However, looking at the pictures, this car is probably totaled and not worth it to repair it - the only way to justify repairing that car was if it was a GT-500 KR or some other rare vehicle.
If I were the parent of one of those kids I would stick my foot up his... then make him/her drive a Geo Metro to school everyday.

Make them use a fuggin motorcycle. Cripes. From a good point, that tells you just how much safer Fords are bult.

Yep, built Ford tough! Poor stang though..

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Bunch of idiots. I'm sure their parents will be pleased having to pay for that brand new car just so they could enjoy a stupid joyride. No wonder insurance for teens is sky high. I don't ever remember being that stupid, but then again I've been driving since I was 12 so I guess you learn responsibility...at least they're ok.

Poor car