65 convertable rear window replacement


New Member
Nov 3, 2018
my 1965 mustang convertible needs a new rear plastic window.
the old plastic rear window was so old and dry it cracked when i put the top down.
based on my limited research it looks like a new rear plastic window can zip in but the likelihood of proper alignment with the existing zippers is questionable?
as far as i know the top is original.

is this something reasonably basic or is there potential for a big expensive complication?
any advice, tips or vendor choice info will be appreciated.

There's a lot more to it than zipping in a new window. I replaced my 67 convertible top myself, so I know what's involved. The rear window curtain is actually stapled to the rear bow first, then the top put on and stapled through the rear curtain into the bow. The bottom of the rear window curtain is installed on the tack strips, then the top overlaps it in areas and installed in the top well. Also would have to deal with the top pads in the rear curtain area as well. The rear window probably can be replaced without doing the whole top, but there is potential to damage the top during the process. Replacing a complete top is not for the average weekend mechanic. There is a reason it cost so much to have a shop replace it for you. The complete process took my brother and I five days to get it done.
Thanks, not a nice picture I see
the cost of the part aside, how much do you think a shop would charge to install either a complete top or just the window?

I am not near my vehicle at the moment, are there any good videos on YouTube that detail the process that you know of ?
I don't think any shop is going to touch a job to do just a back curtain on an original (or very old) top. When I checked around here in NC, the going rate was $1500 to $2000. This is why I ended up doing it myself, plus I really wanted the experience. After completing it, there is a reason shops charge what they do.

These are the best videos I could find, but didn't answer everything I needed to know. If you find any how to videos for a 65 thru 70 Mustang or Cougar, they are virtually the same process.

Part 1
Part 2