89 Vert - Good Deal

Yeah....I've seen a couple around this area like that...look pretty nice and really decent price. Heck, for $4k...with a rebuilt and paint job....not bad at all. Unfortunately, the wife has squashed all my hopes and dreams. The Miata is out...my mother in law is going to have neck surgery then hopefully will be able to drive it again...its her love. And now the wifey won't let me spend a measly 4k on a sweet 5.0.

Ya know what she had the balls to tell me....I GOT A BOAT IN MAY. I'm like...yeah....but that was almost 5 months ago, time for another new toy. Soooooooo.....I'm just going to crawl back into my hole and come back out in spring, maybe then I can find a good 5.0, similar to this.

mac...I might take you up on that offer come spring though. Thanks!

You need a wife like mine. She saw the GT-500 in person at my work the other day and she was seriously trying to figure out how we could buy one. I was the one that had to crush her dreams. We are just going to buy a regular gt in the spring.
svttech76 said:
You need a wife like mine. She saw the GT-500 in person at my work the other day and she was seriously trying to figure out how we could buy one. I was the one that had to crush her dreams. We are just going to buy a regular gt in the spring.

Can I borrow her for awhile? She's really just the one that keeps me in reality sometimes. I've only been out of college about 3 1/2 years and we already have a new home, 2 new cars and a new boat. I really can't complain, but at least I've gone from looking at 10-12k 99+ stangs to very reasonably priced 5.0's. I'm like one of those kids that plays with their xmas present for like 2 minutes, then asks..."is this all I get?"